PM  Routine

"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
John C. Maxwell

When most people share their am/pm routines they tend to start with the AM. I mean after all the start of the day is a good place to start right? I feel in order to have a successful morning you need to prepare the night before. 

I used to think people who had AM/PM routines were over-organized OCD people who obviously were not normal. I've found that I was wrong. They are the smart ones. 

Having a bedtime or pm routine is setting you up for a good night's sleep that leads to a good morning, and sets you up for a more productive, less stressful day. 

When we procrastinate doing what needs to be done then add undo stress and anxiety into our lives. Having routines give us the freedom to live a more productive, happier life. 

After dinner is when I start my PM routine. I make sure the following is done

Part 1--Kitchen

  • Clear off dining table and wipe clean
  • Prepare coffee for the morning and set timer
  • Clean off counters 
  • Clean dishes 
  • Dry and put away all hand washed dishes
  • Get the dishwasher started. (I unload in the morning but you can unload morning or night)
  • Wipe out sink 
  • Sweep floor

Part 2-- General 

Please excuse the shadow. The sun was still up. :)

  • Straighten living room
  • Empty 'stair basket' contents putting in their proper place. **stair basket holds things I've collect through the day of things that need to go downstairs (I also have one for things that need to go upstairs)**
  • Gather and sort laundry
  • Put away anything not in its place
  • If my grandson has visited I make sure the downstairs play area is arranged back to order. 

Part 3-- Personal

After everything has been cleaned up and straightened it's time to start to unwind. 
I start by...

  • Picking out my outfit for the next day. Even if its an "at Home" day and I'm wearing workout clothes I lay them out. This helps tremendously with the stress level in the morning. When picking out an outfit I include accessories, shoes etc. (As pictured) If I'm feeling really organized I will set out the make up I plan to wear. This is only if Im going somewhere special otherwise it's the same "five minute face" I do everyday. 
  •  I then shower and remove all my make up. 
  •  I'll follow the shower with my skin care routine and moisturize my body. 
  • I put on my pajamas and brush my teeth because this signals to my mind and body it's time to wind down. 

After this my routine is complete. I may put on a facial or eye mask while watching a show or reading a book. I have my Fitbit tell me at 11:10PM it's time to start getting ready for bed. That's when I turn off all social media (This is key to winding down for a good night's sleep) . 

Then I'll get in bed and read a book or listen to some soothing music for a little while. Lights out at 11:30PM because I get up between 7:30-8:30AM. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep is crucial to staying alert and healthy. It gives our body a chance to repair and restore itself.

I encourage everyone to have a nighttime routine. It will take sometime to figure out what works best for you and your family but keep working on it - the rewards are so worth it.

Next week will be the AM routine. Also, be on the look out for a new recipe this weekend. And remember to cherish your home, family, and life. It is a gift!




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