
Showing posts from July, 2017
Summer Bucket List 2017 Making memories to last a lifetime! Lazy summer afternoon.  The Kids Edition Bucket List was such a hit. The feedback from you guys has been amazing. So I thought I would do another post about a Summer Bucket List for grown-ups.  This time though I don't want it to be just a poster. What I thought would take it to the next level is to make a bucket list/journal/memories book all-in-one. Here's what you'll need.... A notebook (One with a motivational saying is even better) Pen  Ruler (Unless you can draw a straight line I however don't have that particular gift 😊) Anything you want to make your notebook your own i.e. Gel pens, markers, stickers, etc. Make a List You can make this as simple or as artistic as you want. The most important thing is that YOU make your list and strive to achieve it. Now what should you put on your list? Anything you'd like to accomplish or memories you'd like to ma...
Easy Peasy Cinnamon Rolls (part of the 2017 Summer Bucket List Kids Edition) Nothing is better than a good cinnamon roll on a lazy, summer morning. What makes these even better is they are semi-homemade. The dough is a loaf of frozen bread dough.  I put this on my grandson's Summer bucket list because he LOVES to cook with me. He drags over his "down", which is his step stool, and together we create yummy dishes. Cooking together creates not just amazing memories but also a special bond.   This recipe is a combination of different ones I found on the internet. Its fun, easy, and budget friendly. I add butter to the icing to kick it up a notch. I also add LOTS of cinnamon.  Rolls ingredients           .        Icing ingredients  Things you will need... ROLLS 1 Loaf of Frozen White Bread 2/3 c    Granulated Sugar 2 T      Ground Cinnamon 5 T      ...
Summer Bucket List Kids Edition Little A and Papa enjoying the backyard! As many of my family and friends know I am a list person. I have lists for my lists. Yup, It's bad. So, of course, when I heard the idea about making a Summer/Seasonal bucket list I thought it was right up my alley. I hear all the time people requesting ideas for summer activities; especially budget friendly ones. Today I am going to share with you the Bucket list I made for our time with our grandson. Little A is already getting so big and I want him to always have fond memories with his Baba and Papa. The activities and projects I have included on our list are young child/toddler friendly. But even if you have older child, a bucket list is a way to insure you stay active. We don't want to be Netflix binging and laying on the couch all day kinda person while the summer passes us by. (Not that I speak from experience or anything).😉 Like I said, Summertime is an amazing opportunity to make...
One Bad Month Don't Spoil the Whole Life Girl! (Sing to the tune of 'One Bad Apple' by The Osmonds) One of my favorite places...Ormond Beach Florida! I remember watching the movie 'Parenthood'.  The best scene was grandma as she described grandpa taking her on the roller coaster  "You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around... Nothing. I like the roller coaster; You get more out of it." Life with its ups, downs and upside down loops sure does feel like a roller coaster. Isn't that what makes life a great adventure? This past month my fight with cancer has been a true roller coaster ride. Two surgeries,  a BAD reaction to anesthesia from both surgeries, slow wound healing and the list goes on and on. But, during this past month there were also some ups....