One of Life's Curve Balls
I know on my Facebook page, this last Friday, I said I would let my followers know what was going on with me and the reason for my lack of recent blog posts. So let me just come out and say it: I have Breast Cancer. It still feels weird to say those words.
I had felt some pain in my right breast. So of course I did what every sane and rational human being would do and I googled my symptoms. According to what I read, breast pain is usually NOT associated with cancer. Plus at the time I thought there was no family history.(found out after my diagnosis a great aunt and second cousin had breast cancer)
The pain came and went but I decided I needed to get a physical anyway because I was so fatigued. I scheduled my mammogram that I hadn't had in 3 years. I know, I know that was not a good thing to do. After a mammogram and an ultrasound they said I had a "mass that has the characteristics of cancer and I should have a biopsy"
One week later I got the results... Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. After the initial shock and the tears I had an amazing peace. Not to say I don't have a moment or two (or three) of fear, but overall peace.
It is times like this, when facing a life struggle, to put your money where your mouth is; to show what you believe is truly what you believe. I told my girls growing up that, "Attitude is everything" when facing trials. I know they are watching me and how I will handle what is ahead. This momma is determined to show them what a strong faith and strong resolve does in the midst of a tough challenge.
When dealing with my diagnosis, I asked myself "What is the good that can come out of this?" I decided, with the advice of some people that I trust, to document on this blog my journey. After all, the name starts with Real Life and it doesn't get much more real than this. 😉
I hope that by sharing my journey it will help others along the way. Not only help women battling breast cancer but with any big struggle life throws your way.
So I move forward knowing this: with the love and support from my family and friends, a grateful heart, and strong faith in God this battle will be won.
Thank you for the support, prayers, and love! I truly appreciate each of you.
Now, go schedule those mammograms! 💕💕
***Watch for a new recipe on wednesday!***
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FaceBook: Real life, Rants, & Recipes with Lar
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